Contact me

For inquires about booking a private 1-on-1 session or a custom made self-hypnosis recording from myself.

There are SOME fetishes/desires that I don’t make content for, so please be respectful if I cannot fulfil your request.

$100 Private Hypnosis sessions:

  • A discussion before the hypnosis begins, detailing how you want the session to proceed. Typically going over goals for the session, things you respond well to, and things to avoid.

  • 1-hour of hypnosis, and hypnosis-related activities, revolving around what was discussed during the pre-session discussion.

  • A post session discussion to help bring you out of the scene, discuss highlights and low-points of the scene, and give feedback about how things went, and make sure your head is back to normal.

$60 Custom Audio Recording:

A custom audio recording, that lasts up to approx. 30 minutes, featuring whatever you want (within limits, get in contact to discuss).

$8 per Minute Video Recording

A custom live video recording, that lasts up to approx. 15 minutes, featuring whatever you want. Limits include, but are not limited to:

  • No full nudity (partial/certain gear is okay)

  • Approx. 15 minute time limit

VFX can include (but are not limited to):

  • Green-screen backgrounds

  • Light visual effects and filters

  • Cuts and editing tricks