Silly Gimmicks
Comedic Induction
Sometimes people will tell me that their favourite part of my files is the humour. Instead of taking this as a compliment, I decided to take it as a challenge, and whipped up this little experiment. You'll be laughing your head off in no time...
Toasty Times
The first in a new series, where I take a word from some random online generator, and attempt to base an induction on it. Will it work? Will it fail? Listen along, and find out! This file is based on the prompt "toast" and focuses more on snug and warm sensations, than overly-cooked bread.
Wheel Induction
Another random induction! This files prompt was "wheel" and I tried taking it in a different direction to one involving cars or vehicles and whatnot, instead going for a duller, calmer wheel.
Export Your Thoughts
This time the great Random Number Gods bestowed upon us the sacred and holy "export!" As such I have devised a hypnotic recording, designed to export your mind, and reimport it into your head, full of happiness and splendor!
Speculation Induction
The legendary RNG-lords have bestowed upon us another word! One for us to speculate over for hours and hours and hours, until eventually get bored and just make a hypnotic induction around it instead... Anyway, here's that induction!
Fizzy Thoughts
Bubbles go pop! And sometimes, thoughts are shown to appear in bubbles. But what happens when a thought bubble goes pop? Listen along to find out.
BEANS! HYPNOSIS! The crossover of the century is finally here! the entire history of humanity has been building up to this momentous occasion! The day when beans and hypnosis finally intertwine, and create the induction that humanity has been longing for!
Team Trance
A collaboration with both myself, and also myself! team trance is a file designed to confuse you in as silly a way as I could come up with at the time, and have multiple versions of me all try to hypnotise you at the same time, in this light-hearted and slightly confusing hypnotic experience!
Mirror Induction
I've always loved the blank and vacant expression on a persons face when they go into trance. Just that instantaneous vacant stare, when they were so full of energy just a moment before. Now you can appreciate it too, as you stare into your own, whilst slowly becoming more and more like your reflection.
Minting You on the Blockchain
NFT's are god awful. They're just terrible. They're fucking stupid, a waste of resources that destroys the environment and have literally no actual value. There isn't a single positive to them. So why not take the piss and make a file about right-clicking and saving your thoughts as a .jpg after minting them on a blockchain? Well, I can think of several reasons, but I just wanted to go out of my when saying FUCK NFT's!
Brain Straw
Another weird induction, focusing on the sensation of having your thoughts gently sucked out via some mysterious tool upon your head. One that feels like it's even reaching into your mind and vacuuming up every spec of thought-dust.
Fractionated Fractions
Fractionate your mind with everybody's favourite mathematical thingamajingler; FRACTIONS! And don't worry if you're bad at math! The extra confusion will just help take that mind of yours down even deeper, in this kinda stupid induction.
Hypnotic Hands
Look at my hands. With their mesmerising movements and their fluttery fingers, all accompanied by the alluring audio of my voice. I'm sure you'll enjoy watching them, won't you? So let yourself become enchanted by my hypnotic hands.
Anticipation Induction
Waiting is a curious thing, especially when it's for something in particular. Something that may not even be guaranteed. However sometimes it causes us to get excited over nothing. To see it coming when it really isn't, so have fun being teased by this induction that toys with your anticipation of trance.
A Confusing Time
A fun-filled confusion induction to wreck your heads and keep things fun. This method of confusion is primarily reliant on using your focus on things to keep you focused on the right things that just so happen to be wrong.
Candlelight Induction
Let the gentle warmth of a calm flame ease your body, whilst the body of the flame flickers and moves. Captivated by such a simple thing, you'll be feeling nice relaxed with this soothing induction
Dock yourself in the charging station and let your batteries fill back up in this pleasantly rejuvenating induction!
Melting Snow
Let your body slow down and freeze, becoming nothing more than a you-shaped mound of snow. But all snow melts eventually, and you will be no different. Luckily it's just a natural part of being snow, that feels like all of your cares are, quite literally, melting away.
Words of Power
More shitposting in the form of hypno-content! During this file I play around with the idea of words appearing on screen during video files, and try to make use of them as they appear. But if I'm not the one making the words appear... then who is...?
Connection Lost
A fun little induction where we turn off your minds connection to the server where your thoughts are hosted, leaving you in an empty limbo. For a few minutes anyway.
Layers of Trance
Several layers of audio of my voice all climb over and on top of one another on their way into your mind, in this overload-style hypnotic experience!
What Thoughts?
This file dabbles a little bit in confusion, but moreso in an existential perspective of what thoughts are, what thoughts you think, and how much you do or don't need to/want to think.
Jenga Induction
A fun induction about removing your thoughts, bit by bit. piece by piece. Block by block. Until eventually there are too few thoughts left and your mind comes tumbling down into trance.
Live Commentary
In a stroke of genius, I recorded a file, then made a live commentary of myself reacting to every part of the file. It's a bit confusing, a bit overloading, and (I think it's) fucking brilliant!
Unwrap Induction
Your mind is a gift, so in this file I unwrap the gift, play with it, and then wrap it back up to present back to you. Enjoy!
3DS Induction
I present to you the pinnacle of hypnotic bullshitery! A hypnosis file that I recorded on my Nintendo 3DS! This is just a simple induction, and the only editing that was done was some slight colour grading, and background noise removal.
Mega-Collab Fractionation
A group of other hypno-creators and I got together to make a biiiiiiig fractionation file! We then seperated it into 4 versions: NSFW, SFW, Masc voices, and fem voices.
Concept of Control
Control is a fascinating idea, as is the idea of exchanging it. So I created an induction to toy around with those concepts. So you get power exchange, and we use that exchange to guide you through trance.
Social pressure is a VERY powerful force. Sometimes all I need to do to get you to drop is to be mean to you and tell you to empty your mind. This is one of those times.
As a hypnotist I'm responsible for using your focus and attention as a sort of tool with which I can manipulate for all sorts of mischief. But need to actually get that attention in order to use it, so this induction is all about keeping your attention, and ensuring I you remain fixated on me.
Hollow Mind
When you talk in a large, empty, and enclosed space you may hear an echo as your voice reverbs around. So when I empty your mind and start talking inside of it, it's only natural that my voice would echo, as the sounds bounce around and cause vibrations all around your mind, right?
Simply Relaxing
Conversational Induction
II wasn't feeling too well today, so recorded this little treat for you all. Something to easily and effortlessly talk you down into trance, through just a regular, normal conversation.
Confusion Induction
Who's happening? Where's going on? WHAT?!?! That's right! What's right? Hypnosis, that's what! This lovely little confusing concoction was created to coerce your cranium into complete mindless bliss. No fluff, no extra suggestions, just some lovely mind-static.
Fractionation Fun
A lovely bit of fractionation for all of you lovely folks! Taking you in and out and in and out and in and out of trance again and again, rendering you barely able to even tell whether or not you're in trance or not!
Fluffy Thoughts
Swirls and spirals and lovely fluffy feelings! We all love them, and sometimes it's nice to lose yourself inside of them. Maybe even feeling them becoming a part of you. Then you AND your thoughts can be all soft and fluffy and pleasant for a nice, short trance
Live Hypnosis: Mesmerised By The Pendant
I got a new toy, and decided to use it to put all of you lovely little things under my hypnotic spell. So let your eyes focus on my shiny pendant, your ears tune into my words and just gently sink away. That's it...
Warm Drink Induction
A delicious warm drink always helps to calm those nerves, soothe the soul and get me nice and relaxed. So i decided to boil all of it down into a delightful induction for you all. Don't worry, it's cooled down to just the perfect temperature.
Autopilot Induction
Just let yourself zone out, and set yourself on autopilot with this pleasant induction file. Filled with lovely sensations of just letting go and allowing your body & mind to act on their own. No effort required.
Floaty Freedom
Just a pleasant time that focuses on all of those floaty sensations that your body can experience. Y'know, the ones where your body feels so light, maybe the air feels so dense that your limbs begin to float and move as though you were underwater, but without any of the pesky wetness. Just the lovely freedom to relax.
Sunbathing Induction
Laying in the sun is nice, just ask any cat (but don't ask any vampires). So take some time to listen to this relaxing induction about laying down and feeling the warm beams of the sun gently rest upon your skin.
Happy Little Tree
Trees! They lead such pleasant and simple lives. No worries or cares, just delicious photosynthesis. So lets take some time to do as the trees do. Relish in the sun, and let it rejuvenate us like the happy trees in the forest.
Autumn Pleasures
An induction that makes use of all the things people enjoy about Autumn. Pumpkins, toasty warmth, crunchy leaves and more!
Trust Induction
Hypnosis relies a lot of trust. If you're the subject then you need to be able to place your trust in your hypnosis partner to safely guide you through a good experience, whilst hypnotists need to trust their subject to alert them if things start to get uncomfortable.
Desperate to Drop
A fun little induction that's involves teasing and taunting whilst making you long for that instantaneous drop into thoughtlessness.
A Break from Thinking
Thinking can be wonderful, but sometimes you need a break from something, no matter how great it is, so here's a slightly-D/s induced slice of respite from thinking for you to enjoy.
In the Now
The act of trance itself is something that is best enjoyed in the moment. So this induction sprinkles in some confusion around what's happening to keep you focused on the "now" that very instant that you experience during trance, before waking you so that you can move on to the next moment, and all the many more moments that happen after.