Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: December 2022

Monthly Update: December 2022

It's December! Which mean's it's nearly New Year! Which means not really anything! Which means new hypno-content! Despite the holidays content will still be coming out at its usual pace, and that content will be as follows...

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: November 2022

We've got content, content and content this month! Some good content too. In terms of actual events this month isn't all that exciting, but I'm going to announce it now that during January there will be few pieces or no pieces content released as I'll be taking a one-month break from hypno work.

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: October 2022

It's October! Which means it's Locktober! Which means I've got a few chastity and denial themed bits of content for you guys, amidst a good mix of the usual variety of content for those of you who don't celebrate the most excitingly boring season of the year.

And don’t forget this months schedule…

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: August 2022

I was playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3, so this months update is a little bit late.

I'm putting my latex and green screen to good use again towards the end of this month, with some objectifcation thrown in throughout to spice things up for…

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: July 2022

This month I've got a good amount of content to keep you happily in place, and blissfully stimulated, on top of piloting a new series that will focus on more informative content involving more than just hypnosis. As it is early days for this style of content, feel free to provide any feedback or topics that you would like to see covered when it launches 04/07 for Patrons, and 08/07 for all! On another note, here’s this months release schedule…

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: June 2022

By now a good bunch of you will have hopefully enjoyed my latest releases. This week I've released 2 live video files, featuring my lovely face and plenty of enchanting effects...

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: May 2022

Another Month. Another update! This month you'll be seeing the start of my new venture towards making more live-content. This month will feature 2 files with my wonderful face in them, one for everyones viewing pleasure, and another for patrons-only! Right now it's a little experimental, and…

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: April 2022

Monthly Update: April 2022

April Fools day is here! And with it comes the monthly update. Full of wonderful information on what to expect from me throughout the month of April! I've cooked up some fancy content for the month, and even gotten a green-screen…

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: March 2022

Monthly Update: March 2022

Well today is a busy month for me, as you can tell by how late this update is. I've just finished moving into a new place, with a lot more space to do more crazy hypno-stuff!….

With regards to the content that's coming out THIS month however...

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: February 2022

January was a very busy month for me, but it also turned into my highest earning month so far, so the effort was worth it! February is looking to be a little more chill, with some positive valentines vibes, and hypno-goodness lined up.

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: January 2022

New year, new bullshit! This years bullshit is (you guessed it) more hypnotic content! new-new stuff is still being figured out and planed, but new files are still gonna keep coming your way at 2-per week for he foreseeable future! And speaking of new files, here's the line up for January…

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Blank Master Blank Master

Blank Master’s Best of 2021

Another horrible, HORRIBLE year is over and done with. But it wasn't all horrible (just don't look out the window) because some fun, sexy and downright weird hypnosis files got released this year!

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: December 2021

Crimbus this month! But perhaps even more important (and definitely more arousing), is this months series of hypnofiles! Not too much Holiday theming, but I think Gift Wrapped will scratch that itch (especially bondage fans).

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: November 2021

This month has not a lot happening on my side, due to a really busy next 2 months, but remember to check on other hypno-content creators for all of their #Hypnovember content! That doesn't mean I have no content though. I always prepare in advance for stuff like this. Lately I've been wanting to redo some of my earlier ideas, now that I feel my skillset has improved a lot over the year, so here is this months list!

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: Spooktober 2021

It's SPOOKTOBER!! The spookiest, specialist, most hypno-horny-halloweeniest month of the year!! And with it comes, you guessed it, a plethora of Hypnoween goodness (in the form of various audio files)!

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Blank Master Blank Master

Testing MP3 downloads for Patrons

I'm testing out a new patron reward, something I've been looking at doing for a while, and looking at using my new site to distribute it. Right now it's being tested with just my inductions, but if this method works well I'll expand it to my other files too…

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Blank Master Blank Master

Monthly Update: September 2021

A standard month, before things get a bit more interesting for October. just got my hands on a new webcam, which I'll be making some content with going forward, so look forward to that.

Don’t forget the list of this months files too!

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Blank Master Blank Master

Custom File Update 22/08/2021

So due to the added cost of my new site, and general cost of living, from October 1st I'll be raising the prices of custom audio files from $30 to $40. The exclusive bonuses from my $30 Patreon tier will also be moved to a $45 tier.

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