Monthly Update: July 2022

This month I've got a good amount of content to keep you happily in place, and blissfully stimulated, on top of piloting a new series that will focus on more informative content involving more than just hypnosis. As it is early days for this style of content, feel free to provide any feedback or topics that you would like to see covered when it launches 04/07 for Patrons, and 08/07 for all! On another note, here’s this months release schedule!

Public content (early access dates shown. Public release on the following Friday)

04/07 - Kink-formative: Kink & Comedy - Do's & Don'ts

11/07 - Fantasy: The Display Case

18/07 - Sunbathing Induction

25/07 - Muscle Neurotoxin

Patron Exclusive content

05/07 - Overpowered Induction

12/07 - Oral Stimulation

19/07 - Human Footstool

26/07 - Pleasant Obedience


Monthly Update: August 2022


Monthly Update: June 2022